Our Philosophy
Someone on a famous TV series once said, “Just the facts, ma’am.” And that’s where we start. We gather the facts. And we let those facts, along with other pertinent information about our clients and their families, drive our recommendations. We do NOT believe in a “one size fits all” approach, and neither should you.
You will never hear us discuss products or specific investment recommendations in the first meeting. We believe we are here to listen. To get a real sense of your values, your beliefs, and where you and your family are, financially. Only then can we responsibly begin to put together a plan for your family’s financial future.
But we find that while no two clients are the same, they all want similar assurances: that their advisors will be responsible stewards of their family’s resources, taking into consideration all the areas of financial planning that can independently affect their future. Our guiding force in this process is Your Personal Timeline. Everyone has one, and we think of it like a roadmap, referring to it often as big, important decisions come up along the way.