COVID-19 Correspondence
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Remarks from Edwin as he remembers advising clients through September 11, 2001. This letter was the second in a series of five, sent out about a week later on September 23, 2001.
This is the current preface from Edwin, with the original letter linked below:
Dear Friends,
Times like these cause us all to sit back and reflect---on the past, the present, and the future. While we can all agree that these are unprecedented times, I’m reminded of a similar unsettling time not so long ago, September 11, 2001. Back then, I wanted to get my thoughts out and I wrote a series of letters that some of you may still remember. Folks still mention those letters to me from time to time, so I thought I would blow the dust off these “artifacts” and re-send this one to all of you. Consider it Exhibit A in our case that this too shall pass.
So take a look at the attached letter dated September 23, 2001. While much has changed since that time, I hope you will see that what hasn’t changed is our confidence in the capital market system, the companies that fuel it and the overriding sense of resolve; a sense of faith in the future, and a sense of confidence in the American spirit, that we will overcome this and be better for it. Another thing that hasn’t changed is our commitment to you - you and your families are the reason that we get up and go to work every day! I hope and pray that you are well and weathering this storm with confidence in the future because this too shall pass. Until it does and beyond, we are here for you.
Letter from Edwin - September 23, 2011 (ARCHIVE)
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Remarks from former Capital Group (American Funds) Chairman, Jim Fullerton, 1974
(from Firm Footing Issue #2)
Investing against the tide (PDF) - Jim Fullerton, 1974
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Wesbury 101 Video - by Brian Wesbury, Chief Economist for First Trust Portfolios
(from Firm Footing Issue #1)
The Coronavirus Contraction (Youtube link)
Friday, March 20, 2020
Letter from Edwin Jaffe, CFP
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
COVID-19 Business Continuity letter